Our Continued Commitment to Armenia

One week ago, on September 19, 2023, Azerbaijan launched an unprovoked and deadly military attack against Armenian residents in the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh.) The violent act resulted in the loss of hundreds of innocent Armenian lives and the injury of hundreds more. It also came at the heels of an almost one-year-long blockade in the region by Azerbaijan, where residents have been left with little-to-no food, health care and other basic rights.

Now, Armenians who have lived and thrived in Artsakh for many centuries – who have created a cultural heritage there that has spanned through generations – prepare to, under force, abandon the only home they have known in a mass exodus out of the region. Tens of thousands of Armenians have already arrived in Armenia and many more are expected to do the same as they seek refuge from the violence and attempt to start their lives anew.

As this humanitarian crisis unfolds, the Armenian EyeCare Project stands with the people of Artsakh. We are resolute in providing care to the tens of thousands who seek solace in Armenia to the best of our abilities. We will accomplish this by continuing our work through our Mobile Eye Hospital, Regional Eye Centers and Diagnostic Eye Clinics across the country as well as implementing a direct response toward those displaced. Our goal is to continue to be a shining light for the people of Armenia. And we will carry on with our unwavering commitment to the millions who reside there.


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