Aram began experiencing blurred vision and as time passed, he lost sight in his left eye.
Aram began experiencing blurred vision and as time passed, he lost sight in his left eye.
Until 2010, infant blindness was a big problem in Armenia. Then the AECP established the Center of Excellence.
Our telemedicine program began because of a need to help babies in Armenia at risk of going blind.
Rita was diagnosed with ROP soon after birth. She would need surgery or she would go blind.
Gagik was four when a bomb burst in his home during the war. His right eye was completely destroyed.
Goharik was born with many talents. But she was also diagnosed with glaucoma at childhood.
Our Telesurgery program gives physicians in Armenia access to expert training through innovative technology.
The AECP, with CHLA, has developed a training program for nurses in the neonatal intensive care units in Armenia.
Since being founded in 1992, the AECP has made huge advancements in the delivery of eye care in Armenia.