Baby Garo was born premature and in danger of going blind. With our prompt intervention his sight has been saved.
Baby Garo was born premature and in danger of going blind. With our prompt intervention his sight has been saved.
Zhannetta’s vision started deteriorating and she slowly became blind. Thankfully cataract surgery saved her sight.
Without a corneal transplant, Anahit could lose her sight and with that, her job and income.
Baby Eric was born with a crippling eye disease that would lead to blindness if left untreated. Here is how we helped.
Varditer’s deteriorating vision meant she could no longer care for her grandkids. Then she learned of AECP.
Raphael runs a honey bee farm in Armenia but his cataracts made it hard for him to do his job.
Seda was blind for years because there was no clinic near her town. Then came our Regional Eye Clinic.
Soon after Anna was born, she was diagnosed with childhood cataracts. Without surgery she go blind.
Dr. Vardanyan was the first physician to get a fellowship with the AECP. He now heads Armenia’s Retina Clinic.
Anna harvests fruits and vegetables from her garden for a living, but recently she’s been having issues with her sight.