
A few years ago, Michael’s sight began to deteriorate and he was unable to do the things he loved.

Michelle’s mother was overjoyed when she learned she was pregnant. But her baby was in danger of going blind.

Last year, Jhora noticed that his vision was blurry. He needed a cornea transplant or he would go blind.

Albert had developed advanced cataracts and, by the time he visited the EyeCare Project, was completely blind.

Liana was born premature & diagnosed with ROP, a crippling eye disease. Without surgery, she would go blind.

Hranoosh was going blind and at a loss for what to do. Then she learned of our Regional Eye Clinic.

Margarita has experienced her fair share of hardships since childhood. One of them was her poor vision.

One day, Aharon was fixing a broken motor when suddenly it shattered and a piece flew into his eye.

Sonik dreamed of the day she would be able to see her grandson’s face. Now she can.

Larisa has not been able to see for two years. Then she stepped inside our Mobile Eye Hospital.

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