A mother and son were born with a hereditary eye disease. They were both in need of cornea surgery to save their sight.
A mother and son were born with a hereditary eye disease. They were both in need of cornea surgery to save their sight.
An aspiring singer, Vahe Poghosyan joined the Armenian army to protect his homeland. He got injured, losing sight in both eyes.
Silvard, mother of a fallen soldier, regained her sight following cataract surgery and is now able to help take care of her grandson.
Vladimir, a retired pilot, completely lost his vision due to glaucoma. Corneal transplant surgery saved his sight.
Kima has had a very difficult life. Now she is determined to live her senior years in happiness.
Like many premature infants, baby Valentina was diagnosed with ROP. Without treatment she would go blind.
Isabela’s deteriorated vision made her a burden on her family. Now she has a new lease on life.
Gagik was born with a rare eye disease. He would need a complex cornea surgery to save his sight.
Asya makes a living sewing washcloths for her neighbors. But she recently had to stop due to issues with her sight.
For decades Abgar dealt with vision problems that only worsened over time. Then he visited our Mobile Eye Hospital.