Register for Our Virtual Conference!

We are happy to announce that registration for the AECP-CHLA 18th International Conference is open! It has three simple steps that should be taken to access the platform:

1. Create a Moodle account:


HELP (DOCUMENT): Click here for a tutorial document

HELP (VIDEO): Click here for a tutorial video (please note, it has no sound)

2. Create a Zoom account:

HELP (DOCUMENT): Click here for a tutorial document

HELP: Click here for a tutorial video

3. Register for the Webinar:

HELP (DOCUMENT): Click here for a tutorial document

HELP: Click here for a tutorial video

Registration should take about 20 minutes. Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding the registration.

The phone numbers for support in Armenia are:

+37495 57 79 63
+37495 57 79 64
+37493 33 24 60
+374 95 57 79 82
+37455 57 79 81

To join the conference via smartphone, please use Webinar ID # 894 35 66 47 39.

For more information and real-time updates, please visit our Event Page on Facebook.

We hope to see you at the Conference!

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