“Grandma, I can’t see”
“Grandma, I can’t see with this eye.”
As he was sitting in his Grandmother’s lap, Arman said, “Grandma, I can’t see with this eye. And his brother questioned him as he held Arman’s hand walking home from school, “Arman, you can’t see?”
Very concerned, Arman’s grandmother explained that Arman had a difficult time with everything. He constantly wanted me to hold his hand because he couldn’t see.” But there was nothing Arman’s grandmother could do. The village they lived in had no doctors and no clinics. And like millions of other Armenians, they had no money to travel to Yerevan where care was available. Nor could they pay for eyeglasses.
Then one day they learned that a huge new truck was going to visit their village. It was an “eye clinic on wheels” and did eye examinations and surgeries for Armenians at no cost. Through the program, they provided eye screenings and glasses to thousands of children. Roger V. Ohanesian, founder and Chairman of the Armenian Eye care Project, spoke on behalf of their efforts, “It’s the easiest way to correct blindness in some people. They’re literally blind because they’re not wearing glasses.” Arman and his grandmother were very excited and hoped this might be a solution to Arman’s eyesight.
Following his eye examination on the Mobile Eye Hospital Armen was very excited and explained the examination to his grandmother and how he can see with his new pair of eyeglasses. Talking fast and very enthusiastic, Armen said, “Glasses make me see better.”
Armen’s grandmother asked him what he wants to be when he grows up. “A pilot,” he said.