Ashot’s Story
A Magical Moment
For more than six years, Ashot, 43, had been blind in one eye as the result of a workplace injury. He was unable to work, drive or support his family and his inability to see affected him physically and mentally. Like so many other Armenians Ashot and his family could not afford the travel to Yerevan. The cost of surgery was out of their reach.
Ashot, talking about his family’s priorities, said, “I can’t let my child go hungry to pay for my surgery.” He was in a profoundly complicated situation that affected his children and the entire family. Ashot couldn’t afford surgery and therefore couldn’t work and help provide for his family. While the surgery would restore his sight and enable him to return to work, it was impossible for the family to come up with the funds required to pay for surgery.
It wasn’t until the AECP Mobile Eye Hospital came to his village that Ashot was able to have surgery at no cost — the EyeCare Project treats all patients on the government’s “Paros” or poverty list at no cost. Following surgery Ashot’s life and his family’s life were transformed.
Watch the magical moment when the bandages are removed from Ashot’s eye. His excitement at being able to see again, to drive, to work and to support his family is overwhelming.